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Last Updated: 2011/8/18
Board of Finance regular meeting
August 8, 2011 7:30p.m.
The Board of Finance held their regular meeting Monday August 8, 2011 in the Council Chambers of the Newtown Municipal Center.   Acting Chairman James Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

PRESENT: Martin Gersten, James Gaston, (Acting Chair), Harry Waterbury, Michael Portnoy.
ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman Pat Llodra, Finance Director Bob Tait. Public; Bob Merola and two members of the press, for the Board of Education David Nannavaty.   

MINUTES:  The minutes of the regular Board of Finance meeting held Monday July 11, 2011 were accepted as presented.   Mr. Gaston presented a motion to accept the minutes as submitted.    Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All were in favor.

FIRST SELECTMAN REPORT: First Selectman Pat Llodra stated that there are 20 similar culverts to the one that failed on Boggs Hill Road that are being evaluated.  She expects the report to complete by Fall 2011.
Regarding fiscal policies, Ms. Llodra stated that the issue should be addressed as follows (in order by importance) Fund balance, Debt and Capital Non-recurring.
Ms. Llodra stated that she and Mr. Tait draft the policies then forward to the Board of Selectman who turn over to the Board of Finance and finally go to the Legislative Council for review and acceptance.
The Board of Selectman have had their first review of the policies and will be meeting on the issue in September.
In other updates, the ground breaking for the Animal Control Facility is Wednesday August 10, 2011, all are welcome.
Ms. Llodra and Mr. Tait were able to sit-in on a Municipalities/ Moody’s rating call.
Ms. Llodra stated that all AAA rated municipalities in Fairfield County (within the greater Bridgeport area) have been put on a negative outlook.  Rated on fiscal policies such as Macro-economics (i.e. unemployment), market risk, status of market reserves.

Every municipality is subject to negative reviews and AAA rating in Hartford County not rated the same as Fairfield County. Ms. Llodra stated Newtown is not currently involved.
Mr. Tait added that Moody’s was satisfied with the fund balance at 8-10%.  In Connecticut, municipal fund balances rely heavily on Real Estate tax collection where other [states] rely on state sales tax.
FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORT: To be addressed in agenda items 3-10 (transfers)
  • Policy on depositing unexpected funds to the Capital/Non-recurring fund.
As discussed at different points of meeting.

  • Update on Newtown Middle School Roof Project
Mr. Charles Boos of Kaestle Boos Assoc. Inc. spoke to the Board regarding the progress of the Middle School Roof renovation.  Mr. Boos presented a diagram (Attach. a) of the roof project where the blue shaded areas indicate completion as of 8/8/2011, the green shaded areas indicate anticipated completion as of 8/12/2011.  Mr. Boos stated that he does not expect any interruption to school and students while work is being finished up in September.
Mr. Boos also addressed some unanticipated change orders to the project. When the designated ceilings came down there were many openings and holes in the corridors that required overlay & spray thus costing $96,697.  Additionally, 3 in. pipe was replaced to 4 in. in the amount of $44,000 as well as Asbestos dust and shingle removal in the amount of $15,000.
These change orders have been figured in to the project budget (under contingencies).
Additionally, Mr. Boos stated there have been no mold issues.  And the anticipated issues regarding the HVAC system never materialized.
See Attach. b, Job Meeting No. 5.  Meetings and progress of project.
Ms. Llodra stated that the project has been very well executed by contractor.

Mr. Boos stated that at this point the project is 60% complete.  By Friday August 12, 2011 he expects 80% completion and by September 30, 2011 95% complete.   And he expects a revised   (to completion) Certificate of Occupancy by the start of school.


David Nannavaty, of the Board of Education, was in attendance to attain status of project completion.  Mr. Nannavaty stated that he was very pleased and impressed with the status of the project reported.

  • Grants Acceptance and Impact Statement
Mr. Tait presented and reviewed with the Board with 6-100 Impact Statement  from Town Charter (Attach. c).  Mr. Tait stated that the processes in the Charter are what the Town follows, there is no formal process.
Mr. Gaston added that the Charter seems to be more informational than recommendation.

  • Transfers
Mr. Tait reviewed with the Board the new method of transfers, not exactly creating new accounts but transferring between similar accounts.  The new method gives a better view of what each department costs the Town to run (Attach. d).  Mr. Tait explained that this is basically a re-organization of the budget.

Mr. Gaston entertained a motion to approve the following transfer requests;
$57,500 FROM 01100-1002 Secretary Admin. TO 01108-1001 Human Resource Admin.
$23,000 FROM 01260-2011 Service & Supplies TO 01108-2011 Service & Supplies   
$18,500 FROM 01270-2006 Misc. Benefits TO 01108-4060 Fees & Prof. Serv.
(Attach. e)
Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Gaston entertained a motion to approve the following transfer request;
$85,037 FROM 01870-4060 Contractual Serv. TO 01310-4060 Contractual Serv.
(Attach. f)
Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Gaston entertained a motion to approve the following transfer requests:
Outside Organization transfers (Document A) totaling $20,000.
Long Term Disability transfers (Document B) totaling $30,000.
Life Insurance transfers (Document C) totaling $45,000.
FICA transfers (Document D) totaling $817,005.  
Pension transfers (Document E) totaling $845,389.
Medical Benefits transfers (Document F) totaling $2,806,855.
Mr. Gersten seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Gaston entertained a motion to approve the Union / Clerical Union Negotiations Contract (Attach. g).   Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All were in favor.

        Relating to the Dispatch Contract, Mr. Gaston entertained a motion to approve the transfer
Requesting $20,445 FROM 01570-2000 Contingency TO 01300-1001 Full Time Operators ($18,992) and 01300-2002 FICA ($1453) (Attach. h).
Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Portnoy asked Ms. Llodra to elaborate on what annual military field training meant.  Ms. Llodra stated that certain employees are members of the National Reserves and they are allowed (per State standard) 2 weeks for training.

ANNOUNCMENTS:   Ms. Llodra added that the Middle School Roof project has been the best organized school project in the past 7 school projects that she has been involved with.  She stated that Mr. Boos has been a great intervener  and has been very involved.  Ms. Llodra stated the contractors organization and interaction has been impressive.
ADJOURNMENT:   Having no further business, Mr. Gaston entertained a motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Finance at 8:35.  Mr. Gersten  seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem